Datareum- A platform where you can share the data to generate the good revenue

Selena Fox
3 min readApr 26, 2018


The users of the social media are sharing the personal information online with the researchers who are searching for the data to share with big companies for generating good revenue. The best big and renowned companies are collecting the information from various sources for accurately determine the choice or the preferences of a user. The information of us is actually an economic asset that is being created by the combination of the fundamental identity that includes gender, age, and location. It also includes the behavior of us like interest, opinion, attitude, relations, etc. We as a user is sending the data permanently when register for the various services. We too show an ongoing when subscribes to various pages. The information generated by us; unfortunately, do not gets any profit directly.


Some of the companies are getting profits from it and making lots of money. However, the insurance companies are using the data aggregation for building up the pricing models for the new customers based all upon the perceived willingness of customers for paying.

I would like to give special thanks to datareum which is a decentralized market area. Each individual will be easily monetizing for the data that is sold by them directly to the market researchers and all others parties who are showing the full interests. Datareum is a platform that is being developed on an Ethereum public Blockchain and it will be protecting the personal data and keeps information confidential and prevents from getting cracked.


We can take the help of online surveys at the point of commencement of the market creation. Datareum will be using the stimulation mechanisms. It will be providing the accessibility on the basis of long-term for the good quality of user data and providing valuable tools in doing various kinds of researching.

The most important part of it is setting the transparent relations in between the owner of the information and a requester. Datareum platform is creating the fair and open market place where one who provides the data is having full control over the data that is being produced. The data requester has full access to the high quality, ethically sourced and well-structured data at a reasonable rate. A provider will be compensating the value of data reasonably, and all type of researchers will be having access to high quality of the information that is being required.


What facilities are offered?

• Monetizing the data of yours.

• You can release the data that you wish to.

• You can earn money through filling out the surveys.

• You can earn the residual income on the data.

• The data is being properly controlled so that it might not get in hand of any wrong person.

If someone is trading on our data, it will easy to understand the real value and try to get the benefits from it. Datareum is offering an excellent service to us. The biggest advantage of it is the high possibility of data control which is being acquired only with the permission of a provider providing the data. I highly recommend you to use it and get monetized for the data.



Selena Fox

Hi! I'm Selena. I research and write articles about Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and the latest ICOs.